Monday, July 30, 2007

Early to bed, early to rise ... and fall

Hoping to get a good start on the week, I went to bed around 8:30PM last night. I didn't fall asleep right away, but it was good to know I'd wake up refreshed and ready for my Monday morning. That was the theory anyway. At 1:24AM, I woke up to hear beeping, running feet, and slamming doors. It took me at least a full minute to put together that Sky was having her foal.

No worries, I thought, Christie is already out there. Oh wait, Sky wasn't in the barn, so the baby is probably out in the pasture somewhere. Ugh, time to carry another 100+ lb. baby to the barn. When I got out there, the baby, a jet-black colt, was already born and trying to figure out about standing up. Well, there was a lot of squirming, but not much standing.

Christie helped get the little bugger standing so I could get my arms around it. I had just hoisted the baby up into my arms and taken the first step toward the barn when some horse's ass blind-sided me. It was Sky's ass, she evidently took exception to my carrying her baby off. She spun around and did a full-body check on me and baby. Baby went down and I landed on my back a few feet away, with new respect for hockey and football players.

I know my brain was rattled because I momentarily confused Sky's species, calling her a female dog instead of a female horse. Christie got a halter on Sky, and we tried again. Michal helped Little Bit up and I got him up into my arms. Luckily Sky foaled right across the bridge from the barn so there was only about 100 feet to stumble to the barn. I laid Scooper down in the fresh straw and promptly went back to bed. But not without taking some aspirin first.

Sky and her colt are doing fine this morning. The little bugger is very cute, I think he's going to grow up and break all the ladies' hearts.


Ruth said...

Since horses can kind of choose when they go into labor, why don't they choose daylight?

Unknown said...

Hey there Dave & Christie, We have been seeing all the fires on the news here in Kentucky! I hope it isn't very close to you all & that you aren't in any danger!!! Krista & Gary from Kentucky

Anonymous said...

Have been trying to connect with you without success. Thought this might work.

I laughed out loud reading about Sky's foaling.

How about I call tomorrow? Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

Dave, You are a wonderful writer. I could see it all very clearly. Even the logging truck running amuk and knocking you for a big loop. I ejoyed reading this very much.

MOM said...

And I laughed out loud again after I read this again. It's still funny!